To access Google Classroom:
Go to (we recommend doing this on a laptop, but this can also be accessed by downloading the following apps on a tablet or phone if needed: Google Docs & Google Classroom). Please note that you may need to sign out of your personal Google accounts before signing into Google Classroom (see the FAQ below).
Login using the email address and password given to your child. (example: Username: Password: 1234)
Select your child’s class and select ‘classwork’ at the top. This is where your child’s teacher will post activities and lessons.
Please submit your child’s work using the ‘turn in’ button within the assignment.
We do recognise that this may not be fully accessible to all families and that there may be technical difficulties accessing and completing the work online. To address this, we may provide children with exercise books that the work can be completed in (simply use the ‘private comment’ section to let your child’s teacher know they have completed the work in their exercise book). Additionally, you may upload a photo of your child’s work using the ‘turn in’ function.
Google Classroom link:
Google Classroom Help & Support: