
At Hilldene Primary School we prioritise having a robust and effective safeguarding culture which  centers on the welfare of children and young people, protecting them and adults whilst creating conditions for them to thrive.

Embedding a culture of safety is all our responsibility and we pledge absolute commitment and support for all our children, their families and our staff team. Our Safeguarding team strives to ensure that all the resources are available to make this happen. This commitment and culture of vigilance cascades through all staff who know that abuse can and does happen and are prepared to take action if the need arises.

Meet the Safeguarding Team

Mrs Delmonte
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Miss McCleallan

Miss McCleallan
Deputy Head

Mrs Saunders
Home School Support

Mrs Staines
Home School Support

Mrs Madden
Learning Mentor

Mrs Weaver
Learning Mentor

Staff Training

All staff receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety) at induction. The training is regularly updated and all staff receive safeguarding and child protection (including online safety) updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins, and staff meetings), as required, and at least annually, to continue to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children and adults effectively.

We are committed to continual improvement and  work closely as a staff team and with our partner agencies, for continual development to provide a safe learning environment for all our children and adults.

Safer Recruitment

We ensure that everyone working in our school has successfully completed the necessary clearances to enable them to work with children. Every interview panel includes at least one member who has relevant Safer Recruitment training.

Policy and Procedures

For all up to date safeguarding policies please look under the policies section of the website. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions or concerns.

01708 342453 / Contact Us

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